Happy rib Friday!
Because it’s Friday - and exactly one week away from Comox Valley Ribfest - we have two passes to give out to one lucky reader – one half rack for Gator BBQ and one half rack for Boss Hog’s during ribest, which takes place Sept. 15 to Sept. 17 at the Comox Valley Exhibition Grounds.
In order to be entered into the draw, you have to do two things : 1) make sure to like the Comox Valley Record’s Facebook page and 2) comment below on what day you plan on attending - Friday, Saturday, Sunday or all three.
The draw will be made at noon Monday, Sept. 11. The winner will be notified via Facebook and tickets must be picked up by Thursday, Sept. 14 by 5 p.m. at the Record office, 765 McPhee Ave. in Courtenay.
Good luck!