Mrs. Robson is a 92-year-old widow with Alzheimer's disease. In her younger years, she was a schoolteacher and raised 3 children. She and her husband married at 20 years old and enjoyed a 60 year marriage.
She was an avid hiker, gardener and enjoyed reading. She loves her home, which overlooks a nearby park, and she has lived in the same neighbourhood for the past 40 years. Although very independent, Mrs. Robson needs some care and supervision; she can no longer make meals, drive and is a little unsteady to shower by herself. Some of her children's concerns include Mom getting lost on one of her walks or having a fall in her home.
Before her diagnosis, Mrs. Robson and her children discussed her future and she expressed her desire to stay in her home for as long as possible. Although Mrs. Robson is eligible for home support services through the local health authority, her current income level provides the option for hiring privately.
There are several important decisions seniors and their families face when more help is needed to allow an aging loved one to stay in their home. Hiring a private caregiver to provide home support services and other household management tasks is often at the forefront.
There are a few options for hiring private caregivers depending on the needs of your aging loved one including through a home care agency, privately on your own and the Live-In Caregiver program.
Before jumping in with two feet, it's important to ask, "what assistance is needed and how much?" In Mrs. Robson's case, the family decides that their Mom needs a care provider every morning for two hours and one hour in the afternoon to help with meal preparation, bathing, transportation to appointments and some companionship. The family will rotate and assist in the evenings and weekends.
Using a local home health care agency is often a first choice for families and seniors. Screening and other background checks are already in place and licensed care providers are available, usually 24 hours, seven days a week. Here are some questions families and seniors can ask when researching different home health care agencies:
• How many years has the agency been serving in the community?
• What are the services and costs, and do they have the information in print?
• Is the agency accredited? This means that their quality of care has been surveyed and approved by an outside accrediting organization?
• Can you get a service agreement which outlines the services to be provided and the cost, in writing?
• How does the agency handle billing?
• Will the agency provide a reference?
• Are the agency's caregivers available 24 hours per day, seven days a week?
• Does the agency have a nursing supervisor on call and available 24 hours per day?
• What are the qualifications of the staff? How are they trained?
• How does the agency ensure patient confidentiality?
• Does the agency require criminal record background checks and communicable disease screens for its employees?
• What is the process for resolving issues that may arise between the client/family and home health care staff?
• What happens if the care provider fails to make a scheduled visit?
• Will the same care provider visit regularly?
Wendy Johnstone is a gerontologist and is the founder of Keystone Eldercare Solutions. Her column runs in the Comox Valley Record every second Friday.