We are all a bit different and strange.
We all have our own little quirks (like OCD, or our hand gestures, or we are bothered by certain sounds) so we don't like or enjoy it when people laugh or make fun of us.
We don't deserve to be bullied. We may be intelligent or may not speak.
We are all human. You can't blame us for the disease or disorder, because we are just born like this. We have a very difficult time living in your world since we live we live in our own little world. Just be very patient.
If I have one tip for understanding us, it would be to do some research about autism or invite our children to join or volunteer with a group for Autistic children. That would be a great way for a kid to become educated and sensitive to those with autism.
It would help all children to understand each other and that everyone is a special individual. Try to see their point of view and try to get into their little world so you can understand them better: that is very difficult for someone without autism to do.
It does not matter how hard people try, only a person with autism can understand another person with autism fully. We communicate in different ways.
For instance, I find doing art like painting, writing and needle crafts to be ways that I can communicate my feelings to other people.
I do cry when I am happy or sad but even sometimes then I find it hard to understand why I am crying. I don't feel regular emotions like other people and have had to be taught what emotions I should be feeling in certain situations.
Anger is one emotion that is easier to feel and show but one that no one likes to see and we don't enjoy showing people it.
When I get overtired, I get frustrated when people don't listen to me or when they tell me that what I am thinking is wrong or doing is wrong. I will "shut down."
I don't feel love like the average person but I can show love and I can "text it" to people. People must always say it to me first and then I will say "I love you back."
I must build trust for people before I will talk to them. I can be mute when I am not comfortable or people are bothering me. It is easy for me to shut down and not hear them.
Many adults today are undiagnosed and do not recognize the signs or are willing to go and be tested for autism. They are maybe too afraid of the diagnosis that they may get.
I think that it is easier for me knowing what causes me to be the way I am and for the people around me to understand, too. Understanding "me" better helps me to avoid frustrations that may cause me to shut down.
When I have time out for myself it is great when other people understand why I am taking it.
I am a very social person and am much more positive since I have been on a gluten-free diet. I find it to be very helpful with me.
I belong to Calgary Special Olympics, where I belong to a track and field team and a ski team. Once a year, in Calgary, I ski with my team at the Canada Olympic Park.
April is Autism Awareness Month.