Comox Valley Growers and Seed Savers is gearing up for its 8th annual May Plant Sale.
Seeds are being started and more volunteer growers are needed.
If you have room to do a few extra veggie, herb, flower starts, annuals or perennials, for the sale please contact us. Seeds, pots, and soil can all be provided to you.
The Comox Valley Growers and Seed Savers are dedicated to preserving original "open- pollinated" plant varieties that breed true from seeds saved each year.
Our mission is to conserve and preserve our local plant diversity by encouraging and supporting public participation in growing heritage and non-hybrid food crops and other plants, to maintain genetic diversity and the integrity of our food supply.
The advantages of growing older varieties include extended harvest season, greater disease and pest resistance, proven adaptation to fluctuating water tables and temperature extremes.
CVG and SS invites you to join the growing movement. This year’s sale is May 24 at Simms Millennium Park from 9 a.m. to noon.
For more information please contact this year’s plant sale co-ordinator or visit