The warmer spring weather is finally here and suddenly there are bicycles everywhere!
People, young and old, are cycling for fun, for fitness, to do errands and to get to and from work. Do you notice they all seem to be smiling, and have a cheery greeting for other cyclists and pedestrians?
If you have not joined those happy cyclists yet it is time to get your bike out, make sure it is in good working order, put on your helmet and bright clothing, and head into the big outdoors.
There are many places to cycle in our Valley ... including the paved trails in Comox and Courtenay, the trails in Seal Bay Park, Nymph Falls area and Cumberland, and on the quiet rural roads around the Valley. A map of the best cycling routes in the Valley is available at the Broken Spoke Coffee House on Fitzgerald Avenue.
During the summer there will be plenty of opportunities to use your bike to get to, and participate in, some special events. Many times it is easier to get there by bike and some events will have bicycle valet parking provided by the Comox Valley Cycling Coalition.
Plan ahead for Bike to Work Week (May 28 – June 1), Car Free Sunday (June 17), the Filberg Festival (August 3-6), the Farm/Cycle Tour (August 11,12), Comox Valley Exhibition (August 24-26).
Remember, cycling is good for your health!
It can take you further and faster than walking, while giving you the chance to notice the things you pass by so quickly in a car.
If you are interested in learning more about safe cycling so you can feel comfortable riding on roads with other traffic please contact the Comox Valley Cycling Coalition at to inquire about our Safe Cycling courses for both adults and children.
These courses can help us all, as cyclists and as drivers, to understand how we can travel safely, responsibly and respectfully on our roads.
Margaret Harris, president of the Comox Valley Cycling Coalition, writes Shifting Gears. It appears every fourth week.