Tria Culinary Studio is greeting 2011 with its new cooking class schedule for February and March.
“There is so much variety in the upcoming February and March cooking classes,” says Tria chef and owner, Kathy Jerritt. “We’re also excited to have some guest chefs coming in to teach some classes.”
This February, Chef Aaron Rail from Avenue Bistro will be at Tria teaching a class called Conquering Custards: Sweet Secrets of Milk, Eggs and Sugar.
Anyone who has ever wondered how to make the perfect crème brulée or prepare the base for a creamy, rich ice cream won’t want to miss this class.
Learning the fundamental principles of working with milk, eggs and sugar opens a world of culinary possibilities — both savoury and sweet.
Also at Tria in February is Chef Tracy Marks from Cakebread Bakery who will teach a class called Pane Italiano: Italian Flatbreads. Class participants should be prepared for a busy class of kneading, stretching, baking and, of course, sampling. Chef Tracy will show participants how to make a number of traditional products using a few simple doughs.
In addition, Chef Kathy will teach a variety of classes. “I’m particularly looking forward to the ‘Let’s Just Cook!’ series in March,” says Jerritt. “This class is based on using what’s available and on hand; no plan, no script. We sit down together and plan a menu based on what we have and then we execute that menu together. If we get the response I hope we’ll get, then I’ll run this class throughout the spring, summer and fall.”
For more information, go to Tria’s schedule page at, call 250-218-5012, or e-mail
— Tria Culinary Studio