Cyclists are entitled to their share of the highway, just as motor vehicle drivers are.
When they are overtaken by a motor vehicle, it is the driver's responsibility to pass the cyclist safely.
It is not the cyclist's responsibility to get out of the way of the driver if the cyclist is legally occupying the lane.
When you approach a cyclist and prepare to overtake, slow down, just as you would any other vehicle on the road.
You need to survey the situation and make sure that it is safe to pass. If it would not be safe to pass another vehicle at that spot, it is probably not safe to pass the cyclist either.
If you have to wait for a gap in traffic to pass, remember to leave a reasonable following distance between your vehicle and the bicycle.
This will give you more time to be aware and react if the cyclist needs to move left to avoid an obstacle as you follow them.
Leave at least one metre of space between you and the cyclist as you pass by, more if possible.
If it is multi-laned highway, change lanes.
Remember that if you have a right-side mirror that extends a significant distance that the space must be measured from the outside edge of your mirror, not the side of the vehicle.
Finally, you always have a duty of care as a driver.
If in doubt, put yourself in the saddle and pass if you would wish to be passed if you were cycling.
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Tim Schewe is a retired RCMP constable with many years of traffic law enforcement experience. His column appears Friday.