The Comox Valley Horticultural Society is pleased to welcome master beekeeper Brenda Jager to the April 28 meeting. The evening begins at 7 p.m. at the Florence Filberg Centre.
Brenda Jager is a master beekeeper, bee breeder, and the apiary inspector for Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Under the Ministry of Agriculture, Brenda provides inspection services on for beekeepers selling bees and is involved with outreach and education programs throughout communities.
She has worked for the last seven years with the BC Bee Breeders' in research and breeding projects, whose initial goal was to improve the honey bees' natural resistance to Varroa mites. Brenda started the first cooperative BC Bee Breeders' Assessment and Training Yard on the coast which is currently involved in assessing cold hardy bee stock from across Canada to supply BC beekeepers with the best possible stock.
'Many Bees Live Here' is the topic of Brenda's lecture and although she is, without a doubt, an expert on Apis Mellifera, the common European honey bee, she will also speak on life cycles and habitat of a variety of native bees in local gardens and fields. Brenda operates her own bee yards on Gabriola Island, 'Brenda's Bees'; selling bees, queens and honey.
For more information about the evening or the CVHS please visit our website at or call Leslie at 250 337 8051.
— Comox Valley Horticultural Society