The Comox Valley Horticultural Society is gearing up for their 35th Annual Spring Plant Sale April 26 in the Conference Hall at the Florence Filberg Centre from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
This is one of the club’s major fundraisers of the year. Money raised helps to bring in qualified expert speakers who give informative presentations at the monthly meetings that are always open to the general public.
Our April 28 speaker will be Brenda Jager, apiculturist, and expert on Apis Melifera, the common European honey bee, will speak to us on a variety of bees you may find in local gardens, orchards and fields.
She will include information on their homes, life cycles and the plants that support them. Brenda works with the BC Ministry of Agriculture as the Apiary Inspector for Vancouver Island and is a Master Bee Keeper and Bee Breeder. She runs her own honey production business on Gabriola Island — Brenda's Bees.
The proceeds from the plant sale also allow us to give back into the community. The CVHS is very proud of their commitment in maintaining The Herb Garden at the Filberg Lodge for the enjoyment of the many visitors who pass through their gates.
In combination with their Gardens in Bloom Garden Tour fundraiser this year, the group also supported gardens at Glacier View Lodge, The Views at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Cumberland Lodge, Gardens on Anderton, the Dawn to Dawn Community Garden and the Green Sprouts School Garden Program at six elementary schools in the Valley.
Please help us help the community. The Horticultural Society would like to continue their work of both assisting the various local gardens and offering interesting, varied gardening topics at their meetings.
Mark April 26 on your calendar for the CVHS Plant Sale, bring a box for your purchases and come at 9:30 a.m. for best selection. There promises to be an awesome selection of plants available from perennials to shrubs, small trees, roses, ground covers, alpine plants, herbs, vegetable seedlings, annual seedlings and almost everything else in between.
For more information or if you would like to donate plants for our sale, please contact Leslie at 250-337-8051 or visit our website at