Dear Editor,
Today, the U.S. President has declared economic war on America’s closest ally. Clearly, he doesn’t care about anything that Canada has ever done for the United States and all of us “nice” Canadians are getting quite tired of the complete disrespect he has shown to our country and its representatives.
I am a proud Canadian and I am proud of our reputation for being a polite, caring and “nice” society.
That said . . . America, do not mistake “nice” for “weak”.
So, in my most polite Canadian voice, I say this . . . “Mr. President, go f#ck yourself.” Donny, you say you don’t need Canada. Well, you spoiled little rich kid . . . let’s see how that works out for ya.
This trade war attack on Canada is going to hurt a lot of people. Due to the size of our country’s respective populations, most of them are going to be yours.
We don’t want to be in this spot . . . the one you put us in today . . . but Canada doesn’t back down to bullies.
As we say in our favourite pastime on the ice . . . GAME ON!
Bruce Woloshyn