Our community is fortunate to be able to visit bountiful farm stands all over the Valley and purchase fresh and delicious produce.
But, there is a problem. Some people are taking produce without paying or leaving incorrect amounts of money and in some cases, requesting a discount if they over-paid the previous visit. Farmers cannot possibly track these inconsistent transactions. A nearby farm recently stopped selling eggs at their farm stand for those exact reasons.
Our Farmers work very, very hard. They are not only trying to make a living but they are providing us with a service, and they are passionate about their work. The convenience of shopping at these farm stands is a gift. If your don’t have the correct change, consider doing e-transfers from your bank account. It is an easy transaction to set up and banks do not charge for the transfers. All of the farm stands offer this option by providing their e-mail addresses.
We must do better. Be honest and support your farmers. We want them to thrive.
Joss Ondre