Dear editor,
RE: The Comox Valley Taxpayer Alliance
Yesterday I received in the mail a rather disturbing letter from the Comox Valley Taxpayers Alliance, in which it called for a halt on the Alternative Approval Process for Bylaw 850 (Emergency Shelter and Supportive Housing Land Acquisition Service Establishment) and Bylaw 851 (CV Homelessness Supports Service Establishment).
In it they implied homelessness and homeless people are an 'atrocity'... which I find both disgraceful, inhumane, and disgusting.
Finding ways to help people, to get them into homes, to help them with supports and treatments is basic humanity. And for those of you who are Christian ... isn't this what your entire belief system is about???
Many communities in Canada (Medicine Hat is one that comes to mind) have worked to provide homes for the homeless through partnership with such programs like 'Build for Zero Canada' and found that it (1) decreased crime, thus (2) decreased municipal expenses. And it leads to stronger communities!
For those who complain that helping people is too expensive... keep in mind that HALF of Canadians are within ONE paycheck of being homeless. Any of us can end up on the streets, through no major fault of our own. Is it really a good idea to remove the chance of support when you might need it yourself?
I know we see reports of inhumane actions from south of the border, but I would have expected that we, as Canadians, would be better than that.
Please - support helping people, where they are now, without judgment. We all deserve that.
Rusty Tannant