Union Bay has bought a surplus fire engine from Comox Fire Rescue.
Comox has recently purchased a new fire engine to replace its 1995 fire engine making the older one surplus. Rather than trade-in the older engine Comox offered it up for sale locally.
Comox has maintained a fleet of three fire engines for over 50 years and replaces each engine when it is about 20-years old. The replacement of these fire engines are scheduled well in advance.
By doing so Comox is able to maintain a very good insurance rating for their community and maintain a modern fleet of equipment for their firefighters to use.
With this purchase Union Bay fire department will be increasing its pumping capacity and improving safety for their firefighters.
Comox’s new fire engine also increases their pumping capacity and further enhances safety for their firefighters.
“This is a win/win for both communities. We have both upgraded our existing capabilities and enhanced our safety,” said Comox Chief Gord Schreiner.
“By selling this engine locally we help a smaller community and we keep this asset in the Valley while getting best value for our citizens here.”
Union Bay purchased another fire engine from Comox about seven years ago and three years ago Comox donated a surplus fire department pick-up truck to Ships Point fire department.