Construction of the HMCS Quadra sewer forcemain has been halted for the summer.
Hazelwood, the prime contractor on the project, has run into problems with the ground conditions.
They had been using directional drilling but ran into trouble along Goose Spit.
Charlie Gore, the regional district’s newly hired manager of capital projects, told the sewage commission June 13 that a decision was made to put the project on hold until September.
That will avoid conflicts with the HMCS Quadra sea cadets, and the busy season in Goose Spit Park.
As well, the pump station retrofit, part of the project, had been scheduled for the fall and thus remobilization costs from the contractor are minimal.
Gore said the delay will allow time to evaluate the best methods for installing the remainder of the forcemain.
In the meantime, all facilities affected by the construction will be remediated to a sufficient level for summer use. This includes working with DND, operators of HMCS Quadra, and an environmental consultant to ensure any concerns are resolved prior to demobilizing the work.