Brush up on your trivia, because the first in a series of monthly gatherings for the LGBTQ2S+ community, friends, family and allies is coming up.
The first event in the series, which will be held on the third Friday of every month (except December) at Habibi's restaurant in Courtenay (180-A Fifth Street), will be a friendly Trivial Pursuit championship tournament for intergenerational teams. The event will run from 7 until 9 p.m. on Oct. 18.
The teams will be set up at the beginning of the event, so that everyone can be included and that each team will have members across the age spectrum. The idea is that teams will then be able to answer questions that are modern and current, as well as those with a bit more of a historical background.
"For example, an older person may know that the first Pride Parades occurred in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago on the first anniversary of Stonewall," a release from the organizers says. "On the other hand, a younger person may be the best bet for knowing which Taylor Swift song ("You Need To Calm Down") mentions 'GLAAD' (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation)."
The evening will also feature free snacks provided by Nye Mohammed, the owner of Habibi's. Mohammed is providing the space free of charge, and non-alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase, though it is cash-only.
"Mohammed is very well known in our community for his commitment to providing support to a variety of marginalized communities and the organizations that serve them," the release says.
At the end of the event, a survey will be available to help determine what will happen at later events.
Those who want to attend are asked to RSVP by email to either Bruce Curtis at or Karen Hollis at to ensure the proper amount of snacks is available. Curtis or Hollis can also provide more information if needed.