K’ómoks Estuary holds immense ecological value for resident and migrating wildlife, and is essential for K’ómoks First Nation.
Since 2013, research during spring low tides was conducted to count eagles and herons feeding in the estuary. On June 9 at 1 p.m. at Royston Seaside Trail, two youths from Youth and Ecological Restoration Program (YER) will lead a public tour about the eagle and heron surveys.
In 2013 and 2014 YER partnered with MARS Wildlife Rescue to document herons and their foraging behaviour.
YER has continued these observations from a Royston Seaside Trail location to learn about the estuary as a feeding area for herons and other species.
This YER Phase II project brings together the 10 years of observations. It is funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development and Comox Valley Regional District. The researchers are YER II participants Cy Fitzgerald and Hope Kopeck, YER co-ordinator Wendy Kotilla, and registered professional biologist, Tanis Gower.
Please join us for this youth-led public tour on June 9 at 1 p.m.
Royston Seaside Trail is located south of Courtenay, turn left onto Hilton Road and drive down to the parking area at the beach.
For more information contact Wendy Kotilla at wkotilla@shaw.ca or 250-336-8487, or visit the YER website at .