The Town of Comox is reaching out to residents for input in shaping the first-ever five-year economic development strategy.
This initiative centres on job creation, the attraction of new investments, and the support and growth of existing businesses.
To ensure a collective vision that resonates with the diverse needs of the community, the town has undertaken comprehensive groundwork to begin the consultation last fall. This included 15 interviews with community and business leaders, meetings with local community groups, an economic development workshop, two downtown planning workshops and data analysis. Some key themes have emerged from these efforts, paving the way for a community survey designed to gather residents’ perspectives.
Residents are encouraged to participate in the survey, available on the homepage of the Town of Comox website, The focus of the survey will capture feedback on the vision for the future and opportunities for potential areas for growth and development. The deadline to complete the survey is Monday, February 27, 2024.
“We want this economic development strategy to embrace big ideas that will set our community apart as we look to the future,” said Comox Mayor Nicole Minions. “We also need to focus on actions that will support our ambitious vision for the future. The feedback provided through the survey will help guide this direction.”
The Town of Comox has enlisted the expertise of Rynic to develop the economic development strategy, with a strong focus on three key pillars:
• Enhancing infrastructure foundations – A strategic focus on what distinguishes Comox and attracts investments: Comox marina, airport, and downtown areas.
• Nurturing local entrepreneurship – the expansion of local businesses to foster economic growth and continuing to support the Comox BIA’s strategic plan.
• Industrial land discussion – Exploring the potential of industrial land for job creation and generating resources for desired services and amenities. Initial data highlights the importance of the defence industry and service-centred developments as evident in the notable presence of health care, retail and food, and education sectors in the Comox Valley.
The economic development strategy is scheduled for completion this spring. For more information on the strategy, visit