There’s nothing quite like a Ukrainian dinner; if you’ve had one, you know.
And if you haven’t, here’s the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself and your family to a mouth-watering treat.
The Comox Valley Ukrainian Cultural Society (CVUCS) is hosting a Ukrainian Food Take-Out Dinner fundraiser, Friday, June 24 at the Filberg Centre in Courtenay.
The meal will consist of home-made cheese and potato perogies, cabbage rolls and kielbasa, with a side of dill pickles and sour cream.
Cost is $20 and all money raised goes to Ukrainian refugee families who have located to the Comox Valley to escape the Russian invasion of their homeland.
ALSO… ‘All we had was our children’: A Ukrainian family’s harrowing escape from the war to Nelson
“We have (many) families who have opened their doors to refugees… coming with all sorts of different backgrounds, as you can imagine,” said CVUCS member Eugene Hrushowy. “Some (refugee families) come with bank accounts that they can access, some come with the clothes on their backs. Some families come with children with special needs … there is a variety of people coming. So our funding is shifting to helping people who are already here in the Valley, who need clothing, or a phone plan, or medical testing that they don’t qualify for yet through government funding.
“So with this dinner, 100 per cent of the funds raised will go to those families who are already here in the Valley.”
The take-out event runs from 4:30-7 p.m. upstairs at the Filberg Centre (411 Anderton Ave. Courtenay). There are no pre-orders and cash is the only accepted form of payment.
Anyone who is interested in helping out the CVUCS in any other capacity can check out the society’s page.
“We need drivers, we need interpretors, we need families with young children to play with the young (refugee) children… and we need money for clothes and the essentials,” said Hrushowy.
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