The North Island Rhodo Society’s upcoming plant sale is set for Sunday, April 28, just in time for the City of Courtenay’s proclamation that May is Rhododendron month.
With rhododendron blooms at a peak, it is the ideal time for gardeners to add new plants to their gardens. There will be a great selection of rhododendrons as well as companion plants for sale from 10 a.m. –1 p.m. at the K’ómoks First Nation Hall, 3320 Comox Road (Dyke Road). To top it off, admission is free, parking is free and there will be a free raffle draw.
One of the highlights of the sale is the large display of colourful blooms, called trusses, which will give you an idea of the wide variety of forms and colours, not only of the blooms but also of the interesting leaves which are valued by rhodo lovers. Some plants bloom in late winter or even in the summer months and the evergreen leaves continue to provide interest and give structure to your garden. There are plants for sunny spots as well as shady areas, and best of all they are deer and rabbit-resistant.