After spending an astonishing ten months trying to survive in the wilderness, Zaphira the cat has finally returned home, thanks to the relentless efforts of the Cat Advocates Teaching & Saving Society (CATS Rescue).
Zaphira went missing shortly after her family moved from Black Creek to Cumberland, leaving her lost in unfamiliar and dangerous terrain. Her owner, Lisa Larkin, never gave up hope, and neither did CATS Rescue.
Recovering Zaphira was no small feat. It took three highly experienced trappers five months of dedicated effort to locate and capture her. The team hiked a grueling half-hour up rugged, cougar-inhabited terrain each week to monitor a feeding and trapping station. Once Zaphira began regularly visiting for food, they started a two-week intensive trapping effort, braving rain, wind and pitch darkness every day until she finally stepped into the trap.
Soaking wet and shivering, the team hiked Zaphira back down the trail and brought her to safety at the CATS shelter. Thanks to a tattoo in her ear, her ownership was easily confirmed, proving the importance of microchipping and tattooing pets.
In a heartwarming twist, Zaphira’s long-awaited reunion with her owner, Larkin, happened on her birthday, truly the best gift imaginable. Now, at 12 years old, Zaphira is finally back where she belongs, safe at home. Larkin shared that Zaphira is doing fantastic, is super affectionate and just so happy to be back home.
CATS Rescue remains committed to helping lost and abandoned cats, setting up feed stations in remote areas and working tirelessly to reunite pets with their families. Zaphira’s story is a testament to their dedication and the life-saving importance of identification for pets.
For more information about CATS Rescue or to support their mission, visit .