K’ómoks First Nation would like to give an enormous thank you to the donations contributed, and to all of those who came out to volunteer to help make Tribal Journeys 2017 “Standing Together” a success. There were over 1,500 people and 40 canoes that were welcomed to the K’ómoks First Nation traditional territory, where food, culture, and stories were shared. We raise our hands and hearts to everyone; you are forever in our hearts. The support from the entire Comox Valley made hosting the canoe families a great success. Tribal Journeys is a spiritual, social and cultural canoe journey that strengthens communities now and for future generations. The journey helps improve quality of life, validate, give hope, a strong sense of identity, purpose and meaning. It was a pleasure to share this experience with our people and our local communities.
Financial and/or Equipment Contributors: Salish Sea Foods, K’ómoks Economic Development Corp., Cumberland Rotary, Comox Rotary, Sunrise Rotary, Courtenay Rotary, Cumberland Rotary, CIBC, City of Courtenay, CVRD, Grieg Sea Foods Ltd, North Island College, St. John’s Ambulance, Department Of National Defense, Eatmore Sprouts, Waypoint Insurance, North Island College, Grains Bakery, Mark Stevenson, KDC Health, Pam Shaw, April Shopland, EcoFish, Frank Excavating, Moeller & Co., Shelterwood, First Nations Health Authority, KDC and KDC Health.
From all of our volunteers: Verna Flanders, Verna Wallace, Tami Compton, Carol Frank, Toni Frank, Lou Anne Neel, Tracey Rolland, Emily Nelson, Sue Malley, George Littlechild, John Powell, Sarah Henckel, Sarah Lawrence, Dana Mahon, Krista Kaptein, Brian Chow, Doug DeMarco, Salem Jones, Linda Wyton, Delores Dwolinski, Gayle Carriere, Kathleen Smits, Quinn Smits, Brian McMahon, Debbie McMahon, Shannon Brown, Danielle and Deborah Dailey, Sammy Dailey, Jay Bridges, Tom Adams, Diane Balanecki, Kella Newson, Christina Riley, Doug Stephenson, Barb Dobree, Julan Chersinoff, MIroslav Kolar, Hanna Rail, Beerdon, Art Lawson, Suzanne Venuta, Emma Adams, Henriette (Henrie) Beaudoin, Joanne Coyle, Ian Smith, Marilyn Hutchinson, Craig Blackie, Tara Lee, Diane Rublowski, Raven Jack, Dave Proctor, Neil England, Sandy Clausen, Chris Brulotte, Chris Becir, Marg Hundt, Beth England, Rod McKenzie, David Peat, Robin Peat, LaCosta Monique, Charlene Davis, Harry Panjer, Anne Delaney, Caroline Bradfield, Linda Oprica, John North, Gordie Olsen, Ali Cranmer, Richard Clarke, Beth and Neil England, Bill Verburgt, Holly Grant, Tom Grant, Sukhman Sidhu, Stu Tunheim, Chettie McDonald, Les Postnikoff, Kelsey Anglin, Tala, Trudy Thomson, Tina from women’s shelter, Marie Davis, Mike Fournier, Meaghan Cursons, Trish Dan, Margie Anderson, Mike Collins, John Frisch, Paul Edington, Robin and Jennifer Harrison, Bill Wright, Chip Ross, John Frisch, Robin Harrison, Ian Smith, Michael Zbarsky, Ann MacDonald, Jennifer Zbinden, Beth Dunlop, Bruce Jollife, Rod Nichol.
Gilakas’la | č̓ɛč̓haθɛč | Huy’ch’qa | Thank you!
We are sorry if we’ve missed anyone. Please know that this day was a success resulting from the time and effort of every person, organization, and contribution involved.