It has been three weeks since the unexpected passing of GP Vanier student Sara Manitoski on an overnight outdoor education (Explore) field trip. There are still many unanswered questions, and the cause of death has not yet been determined.
This tragic event has taken a toll on Sara’s family. This family has experienced loss many times in the last few years, and Sara’s death has dealt it yet another blow. Sara’s mother was scheduled to begin a new job the day after Sara was found unresponsive in her bed by a classmate. This has meant that her mother has not been able to begin this new job, adding to the burden of this heartbreaking event.
The day after Sara’s passing, her grandfather ended up in the hospital from a heart attack. He had to be taken to Victoria, which meant yet more stress for the family.
The Explore community would like to help Sara’s family cope with this tragedy. A “Go Fund Me” page was created to help support them financially. Members of the public are also invited to donate money as well.
If you would like to contribute to help pay for Sara’s funeral costs and to help her family during this difficult time, we are very grateful. To donate money, you can go to
On behalf of Sara’s family, we would like to thank-you for your support.