Enjoy a day at Crown Isle Golf Resort on May 31, at the fourth annual Comox Valley Transition Society Drive Away Domestic Violence golf tournament.
Register as an individual for $200 or a team of four for $800. Registration fee includes green fees, cart, lunch, buffet dinner and more. Funds raised will support the important programs and services provided by CVTS that support women and children in the Comox Valley who have experienced domestic violence.
On average, a woman is killed by her intimate partner every six days in Canada. Sixty-seven per cent of Canadians know a woman who has experienced physical or sexual abuse. On any given night over 6,000 women and their children sleep in shelters because it isn’t safe at home. Seventy per cent of spousal violence is not reported to the police. These are just a few statistics of domestic violence in Canada.
Locally, Lilli House supported 114 women and 62 children this past year.
“Events such as Drive Away Domestic Violence are so important to bring awareness and raise much-needed funds to support programs and services provided by CVTS,” says Heather Ney, executive director of the Comox Valley Transition Society.
To register or to donate visit