The Comox Valley regional District is hosting an air quality forum on Tuesday, April 4 from 4-7 p.m. The meeting will be at CVRD’s boardroom, 550B Comox Road, Courtenay and is open to the public. This is an opportunity to hear new information and data about wood smoke in the Comox Valley.
A number of speakers from out of town will be talking about wood smoke issues and studies in the Comox Valley, health concerns, and what has been done in other areas to address the problem.
A list of speakers and their topic is below.
• Dr. Paul Hasselback, Island Health Medical Health Officer will discuss the importance of good air quality for protection of public health.
• Trudi Trask of RWDI AIR Inc. will present the results of the recently completed particulate matter emissions inventory for the Comox Valley. This study was completed as a result of a partnership between the CVRD and the BC Ministry of Environment.
• Earle Plain, air quality meteorologist for the BC Ministry of Environment will bring forward the latest available information on ambient air quality monitoring in the Comox Valley.
• Dr. Sarah Henderson of the BC Centre for Disease Control will present information on a recently published wood smoke impacted communities study and preliminary information on the mobile monitoring conducted in the Comox Valley this past winter.
• Dr. Scott Weichenthal of McGill University will present the results of the Health Canada funded study Biomass Burning as a Source of Ambient Fine Particulate Air Pollution and Hospital Admissions for Acute Myocardial Infarction, recently published in the journal Epidemiology, as they pertain to the Comox Valley.
• Sarah Thomas of the Port Alberni Air Quality Council (AQC) will describe the air quality management activities of the AQC in the Alberni Valley.
• Keith Lawrence of the Cowichan Valley Regional District will describe the development and implementation of the recently completed Regional Airshed Protection Strategy in the Cowichan Valley
Click here for full agenda: :