The John Howard Society of North Island is offering a voluntary and free group for men this fall called STOP (Stop Taking it Out on Your Partner). STOP provides an opportunity for men to learn how to control their emotions, communicate effectively, take responsibility for their behaviours, end controlling/abusive behaviours, and make a change in their attitudes towards women.
Group participants can expect to develop emotional intelligence, healthy tools to deal with emotions, respectful and effective communication, and empathy for their partners; receive education on what abuse is; and be accountable for their actions. STOP will be facilitated by Georgette Whitehead and Ron Kelly. The group will meet on Tuesday evenings beginning on Nov. 7 for 14 weeks. Sessions will be held at a location in the Comox Valley.
For more information or to sign up or make a referral, call 250-338-7341, or email
An intake interview will be arranged with the facilitators prior to the start of the group.