BC Youth Week is May 1 – 7 and The LINC Youth Centre invites Comox Valley youth to come and enjoy events throughout the week.
Youth Week is an annual international event celebrating the value, diversity and positive contributions youth make in their communities.
All Youth Week events are at The LINC, 300 Old Island Hwy., except where noted. Doors open at 3 p.m. for drop-in and youth week activities will begin shortly thereafter. Here’s a snapshot of the week’s events:
• Tuesday, May 2 (8 -11 years, $2.50 drop-in): Tween Night Surprise
• Wednesday, May 3 (8 years & over, $2.50 drop-in): 2 for 1 Drop-in & Minute to Win It Challenges
• Thursday, May 4 (11 years & over, free admission): Free SK8 Park Jam sponsored by RDS, Onethirtythree Boardshop and EZ Pro Scooters
• Friday, May 5 (11 years & over, $10 (pre-register by May 2) or $15 drop-in if space allows): Extreme Rec Night V (various locations) featuring archery tag, rock climbing, dodgeball, swimming, pizza snacks & more
• Saturday, May 6 (11 years & over, free admission): Free Youth Week Wrap Up barbecue
“We’ve been celebrating youth week at The LINC for over 10 years and we are excited to be doing it again with some awesome activities,” said Alexis Forbes, youth services co-ordinator at The LINC. “We have daily door prizes and swag during Youth Week, so for those who haven’t been to The LINC before, it’s a great time to check it out!”
For more information call The LINC Youth Centre at 250-334-8138, email linc@courtenay.ca, or check out their Facebook page for youth week postings or visit courtenay.ca/youthweek
Crafters wanted for Gnarly Youth Spring Fair
In addition to all the activities at The LINC Centre the annual Gnarly Spring Craft Fair returns.
The LINC Youth Centre is hosting the fair at the Native Sons Hall from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 6.
Youth crafters 9 - 19 years are invited to register a table for $10 – or share one with a friend. Over the years youth have sold photography, cards, sewing, baking, woodwork, painting, jewelry, ornaments and more.
“The youth bring an impressive amount of skill and creativity to the fair; we see many youth vendors return each year and their wares get better and better, it’s wonderful to be able to provide them a venue! This is also a great opportunity for youth that have been participating in entrepreneurial fairs at their local schools to bring in extra products, or to feature their best-selling crafted goods to the public! ” said Forbes.
For more information or to register a table, call the Lewis Centre at 250-338-5371 or the Filberg Centre at 250-338-1000 or visit courtenay.ca/gnarly for an online registration link.