On the weekend of April 5 and 6, Saint John the Divine Anglican Church will offer a unique opportunity to explore the Celtic path within contemporary Christianity.
Frank Shirbroun and Teresa Di Biase will co-present during a workshop on Saturday, April 5 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 pm.. On Sunday, April 6, they will preside with Rev. Alastair Hunting in a Celtic Eucharist at 10:00 a.m..
Shirbroun, a retired professor of New Testament Studies, and Di Biase, a spiritual director, historian and retired university librarian, together have led annual pilgrimages to Christian Celtic sites in Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland and France – places where the distinctive Celtic expression of Christian movement originated and flourished from 400-800 AD.
Although suppressed by Roman and later Reformation authorities, the Celtic approach was never fully eradicated and is experiencing a revival in our times that is affecting many different branches within the contemporary Christian Church.
The Saturday workshop will be focused on themes arising out of a Celtic Christian sensibility. Creation and the Image of God, The Image of the Celtic Cross, Dwelling and Abiding, and Personal Journey. For workshop registrants there will also be an optional session on Saturday,at 3:30 pm. with a video entitled Thin Place: Iona and the Celtic Way, set on the Isle of Iona in the Hebrides, the original site of Celtic Christianity in Scotland and one of the main centres of the contemporary Celtic revival.
Pre-registration is required for the Saturday Workshop, with a non-refundable deposit of $20.
The full registration fee is on a sliding scale from $20 - $40, according to means, and includes snacks and lunch. There is no registration required to attend the Sunday Eucharist.
For more information or to register, contact Lynn by phone or text 250-702-7465 or by email at admin@sjtdcourtenay.ca.