VinoSpa Noble Skincare presents VinoSpa Speaks Out, a speakers series providing opportunities to learn, share and understand topics that profoundly impact our community and society as a whole.
Topics of conversation include domestic violence, drug addiction, homelessness, sex trafficking, senior abuse and hate crimes against race and gender. This new series brings those who have been directly affected by these issues together with those who are committed to making positive, effective change. While these conversations may be difficult they are vital to the process of healing, for both the survivors and the community.
The VinoSpa Speaks Out series begins on July 5 with guest speaker president and co-founder of the Stigma-Free Society. Paquette has presented her story at more than 750 schools, workplaces, community organizations and events, reaching thousands of people directly with her message of hope and stomping out the stigma of mental illness.
Named an official spokesperson for the Faces of Mental Illness Campaign for the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) in 2016, Paquette has been featured on a Bell Let’s Talk public service announcement aired nationally and multiple media outlets that showcase her personal story. She was awarded the 2019 President’s Commendation Award, Canadian Psychiatric Association of Canada and many others.
For tickets and information on the July 5th edition of VinoSpa Speaks Out go to