Freedom Now Yoga Studio & Clothing Boutique opens its doors Saturday, March 24 in the heart of downtown Courtenay.
After 10 years of running a yoga studio in Cape Town, SA, Gary and Cindy Fort are back in B.C. to share their unique style of teaching with the Comox Valley. Gary and Cindy studied yoga together in India, after which they journeyed to South Africa where they were instrumental in the transition towards peace in the country. Their slogan is Manifesting peace from the inside - out.
The Forts feel inner peace is obtained through the practice of yoga because, on a physical level, the body is guided toward its state of natural balance, which results in a feeling of euphoria. conditioning from the past and fear of the future is released and the body is freed from its state of ‘fight and flight,' a condition that poisons the body with high levels of adrenalin and hormones and creates a rigid guarded body.
“The center of peace and calm within never moved away from us, we moved away from it," they said. "Yoga brings you back to that centre."
This notion of healing from the inside-out is what inspired them to start a recycling initiative in Cape Town. Apart from collecting recycling, the service educated the public on how to recycle and the need to recycle. The service still collects a ton of recycling every day and has prompted other services to do the same.
So why the move back to Canada?
“The desire to be free from the pain and conditioning that keeps people from being present is universal," Gary, said. "The Comox Valley may not have the social unrest that South Africa has but inner turmoil reflects itself in different ways."
The studio will sell yoga/leisure clothing.
The grand opening/community day runs from 10 a.m.—5 p.m. The studio is located above Ski Surf & Kayak Shop at 333 Fifth St.
Call 871-7225 or for more information.