By Joe Smith
Special to the Record
In doing research for this column I looked back at some of the trends that have been highlighted over the past 10 years.
What was interesting is the fact that in the world of marketing and communications it seems a number of them are still hitting the trending lists while newer strategies have now risen to prominence.
For example, in 2013 one of the key trends was the increasing use of social media by consumers and the opportunity to use these networks to build better relationships with customers. Many of the trends now projected to be an integral component of marketing strategies in 2023 revolve around the use of social media networks and the rapid advance of technology.
When it comes to social media and technology the trends focus on the use of voice search, SEO, video marketing and the ability to optimize the use of mobile devices to name just a few. In particular smartphones through the use of such strategies as push notifications. According to some research studies, more app users are comfortable with allowing companies to send them notifications of exclusive promotions, proximity alerts, and invitations which in itself is a growing trend.
While there may be an emphasis on voice search there is a growing trend to focus on visualization in messaging. The old adage that a picture is worth a thousand words is still relevant as 65 per cent of people are visual learners and their brains according to some psychological studies process visuals 60,000 times faster than text.
But all is not focused on technology. Customer experience is one area that will continue to trend. The thinking now is that rather than trying to convince people to buy your product or service the goal is to give them exceptional customer experiences that will ensure they keep coming back.
Another trend that is continuing to build over the past few years is the changing mindset of consumers as they deal with environmental and ethical issues. Many companies have already shifted to operating using more sustainable practices to reduce their environmental impact. In addition, many are emphasizing their commitment to dealing with social issues such as equality and diversity. In the future customers will gravitate more toward companies that share their values.
While each industry or business will be impacted by trends within its own sphere of activity, there is one trend that will become an important component of any marketing plan. The ability to ensure that every aspect of your operation is customer focused and that all of your efforts are integrated across all areas or departments of your business and marketing channels.
Marketing trends may come and go but the basics of your success remain the same… understand the needs of your customers and communicate with them in a manner that is clear and above all consistent.
Joe Smith is a communications consultant and an accomplished fine artist. He can be reached via email at