Havers Design is reopening the studio on the corner of 11th Street and England Avenue in Courtenay.
“I’ve been operating my business out of my home for just over a year and find I miss the interaction with others,” says Neil Havers. “My vision is to create a collaborative working environment for creative individuals in the Comox Valley."
With the re-opening, space will be available for rent for three marketing related businesses. Havers Design is looking for SEO specials, social media planners or facilitators, web designers, programmers, graphic artists or writers. This is an opportunity for the creative community to work separately in semi-private areas as well as having the opportunity to collaborate on projects or simply bounce ideas off each other. This will become known as a creative centre for marketing services in the Comox Valley.
Each space is just under 200 square feet and will rent out for $350 per month, plus HST including utilities. This is a well-maintained heritage building featuring natural light, ample parking, a yard to relax on, upgraded electrical and WIFI access, all in a convenient downtown location.
There will be an open house Saturday from 1-3 p.m.